Monday, January 19, 2009

Tough revealing sexual orientation to family

One of my biggest fears in coming out to my family members is that by telling them, I'm acknowledging myself as a sexual being. I'm not okay with that yet and I know that it's something that I need to work on within myself. This is who I am and I can't change what some people will think. How beautiful a life will be in which I am accepting and loving of every part of my identity. And that it is a joy, a good thing that I am sharing when I come out to my family.

1 comment:

  1. I think that that was a big problem I had too. I didn't like the idea of my parents knowing that I had sexual feelings (and I didn't like to think that about myself either). But the thing is, would you or they have a problem if you were dating someone of the opposite sex? There is a hurdle there in general, but it is definitely made harder by the "gay thing." I can tell you that I have become more comfortable since telling my parents, and, almost 3 years later, I can mention my boyfriend's name and they do not cringe. They know who I am talking about and it makes life so much more, as you say, beautiful.
